Miho Uncommon

iClintz Rarity:


A fearsome Yakuza assassin, Miho was sent to Clint city to kill Aniki before #Aniki found out that it had been Miho, dressed up as a police officer, who’d once murdered his brother on behalf of a rival. An expert in the art of seduction and assassination, she had it all planned out, apart from the small detail that her Motel would be contaminated with Xantiax...


No mission found for this character.

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
03-10-2023 Ability Unison : -3 Opp Power, Min 3 => -3 Opp Power, Min 3
03-10-2023 Ability -3 Opp Power, Min 3 => Unison : -3 Opp Power, Min 3
26-08-2011 Released