Angie Rare

iClintz Rarity:


Ever since she was small, Angie has loved kicking up a storm by drumming on everything she comes across: saucepans, garbage cans or even the heads of people who don’t show her enough respect. Impressed by her sense of rhythm, Bodenpower has asked her to join the clan.


No mission found for this character.

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
16-08-2021 Ability (4*) Copy: Opp. Power => Reprisal: Copy: Opp. Power
02-08-2021 Ability (4*) Ability at level 5 => Copy: Opp. Power
02-08-2021 Damage (4*) 6 => 8
02-08-2021 Ability (3*) Ability at level 5 => Ability at level 4
02-08-2021 Ability (2*) Ability at level 5 => Ability at level 4
23-04-2010 Released