Dwan Common

iClintz Rarity:


Working for the Skeelz School carries with it a certain number of risks, like for example seeing your DNA combined with the Yeti of the Northern Mountains after an unfortunate accident during a zoology class. Fortunately, Dwan knows she can count on the support of all the Skeelz...


Reduce damages for Battle Points Reduce 7 opponent damage(s) with Dwan 10 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
21-06-2021 Ability (4*) Ability at level 5 => -4 Opp Damage, Min 1
21-06-2021 Damage (4*) 6 => 5
21-06-2021 Power (4*) 5 => 7
21-06-2021 Ability (3*) Ability at level 5 => Ability at level 4
21-06-2021 Damage (3*) 6 => 5
21-06-2021 Ability (2*) Ability at level 5 => Ability at level 4
15-01-2010 Released