Arkn Rare

iClintz Rarity:


To patrol the long and winding corridors of the sewers leading to the GHEIST'S HQ, Vryer created Arkn - giant spiders with metal legs, controlled by a rat's brain. Fast, silent, clever and cruel, they wipe out anything that crosses their path. All in all, they're perfect for the job.


[Cards] Autumn special! Win 9 rounds with Arkn 15 No
[GHEIST] Seasonal 2/3 Inflict 50 Damages with Arkn 10 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
13-11-2023 Power (1*) 2 => 5
13-11-2023 Damage (1*) 4 => 2
13-11-2023 Ability (1*) Ability at Level 2 => -10 Opp Attack, Min 5
08-05-2009 Released