Nina Uncommon

iClintz Rarity:


Addicted to Vryer's experimental drugs, Nina developed a strong resistance to even the most toxic substances. Fascinated by this young woman, Vryer asked Vladimir to get her out of jail and created a special perfume, lethal for those who breath it but harmless to Nina. The perfect weapon for Uppers' parties!


**DANGER** Double or quit ! Sell 20 doubles of Candy Jack, Beef Cr, Katan, Nina to Kate 8 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
30-01-2023 Ability (3*) Ability at Level 4 => Poison 2, Min 1
30-01-2023 Power (3*) 5 => 6
30-01-2023 Ability (2*) Ability at Level 4 => Ability at Level 3
30-01-2023 Ability (1*) Ability at Level 4 => Ability at Level 3
30-01-2023 Damage 2 => 3
30-01-2023 Power 6 => 7
01-12-2006 Released