Mr Ch4d 0Sage Rare

iClintz Rarity:


While Ch4d 0Sage was working on stabilizing the Z32, an alert sounded: - Ch4d, you have been elected Man of the Year - Yes, he would have to prepare for the media spotlight he had earned by becoming Mister Clint City. This title, as flattering as it may be, seemed to him to be just a popularity contest... But if he had to go through this for his work to finally shine as brightly as he did under the spotlights, then he would play the game. -Clint City expects some folklore,- he sighed, adjusting his outfit. -Why not on a synthetic after all?-


Synthetic Beauty Win 8 round(s) with Mr Ch4d 0Sage 1 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
23-12-2024 Released