Ligea Rare

iClintz Rarity:


Unlike her sister #Calliope, #Ligea never liked music and never bothered to seduce sailors before devouring them. As a result, this 'wild' siren poses problems for the members of the Polit, who want to secure the Myrianes' passage for maritime transport. A bounty of one billion clintz has been announced for anyone who brings back the creature's head, and a lot of Piranas, lured by the reward, have set off in pursuit. A few weeks later, when #Ligea was surrounded by dozens of bounty hunters ready to throw their harpoons, Captain #Yaccanemba intervened. 'Once, I fought the two greatest creatures of the Ocean: the Chimera Kraken and Agglomoth the Eternal. Believe me, even the Surstorming you tried to tame was nothing compared to these monsters. And today, should I complain for the sweat and blood I shed?! Should I regret sailing these waters?! By my beard, who are we? Trinket merchants? Landlubbers? No, we are pirates!!! Our freedom is only lived through danger! The Ocean is neither our friend nor our enemy: it is the backdrop to our adventures! So tell me, my friends, do you want to see all marine creatures bask on the Ulu Watu beaches? Or are you ready to face free and untamable waters?' At these words, #Ligea was released, and no respectable pirate was tempted to make a deal with the Polit again.


Dangerous Bet! (click to see) Seel 2 copies of Ligea Prismatic Edition to Kate 0 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
09-09-2024 Released