Gichin Kazuo Uncommon

iClintz Rarity:


In the dark alleys of the underworld, the name Gichin Kazuo, 'The Spectre', was whispered. Once a feared and respected yakuza, Kazuo's life changed the day his wife died in childbirth, leaving him alone with their daughter, Otome. Determined to make her his worthy successor, he decided to toughen her up and make her 'a real man'. On her tenth birthday, he announced to Otome that he was sending her to the Golden Mountain Monastery to learn the Fang Pi techniques. But, in a twist of fate, that same night, Kazuo suffered a stroke. In a strange delirium between life and death, he saw himself wandering like a spectre, burdened with regrets and remorse. A terrifying vision, to be sure, but also a revealing one: from yakuza, he became a master, trading his criminal activities for the protection of lost souls and the repentance of his past mistakes. Now, he prepares to face his greatest challenge: finding his daughter, Otome, and asking for her forgiveness. Between swings of his scythe and a few life lessons, he hopes to pass on his knowledge and prove that he has truly changed... if death allows him the time.


Otome's father Inflict 35 Damages with Gichin Kazuo 1 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
05-07-2024 Released