Ramazan Rare

iClintz Rarity:


Originally from Poldachie Golgovine, Ramazan was raised among the silver bears of the Russkaya Mountains. His mastery of grappling was honed in these wild lands, where brute strength and endurance are essential for survival. Recruited by the EFC organization, Ramazan sees Clint City as the El Dorado where he can finally prove his superiority. Anything but humble, he challenges his opponents with resounding war cries: "You're dead!" This provocative attitude only increases his popularity. Whether against men, humanoid animals, robots, evil toys, or even vampires, Ramazan knows no bounds in his desire to dominate his opponents. In his last fight, Ramazan challenged Isla Ader, a formidable fighter from Saoude. "A man like any other," he awkwardly declared into the microphone, issuing a direct challenge to the champion. His career is just beginning, and Ramazan is ready to shake the arena.


DANGER Bet on Ramazan: Quit or Double ! Seel 2 copies of Ramazan Prismatic Edition to Kate 0 No
Unshakeable confidence 2 Reduce 8 opponent damage(s) with Ramazan 1 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
21-06-2024 Released