Erika Rare

iClintz Rarity:


Erika is in charge of Dr. Gheist's personal guard. Her mission involves not only ensuring that nothing untoward happens to the Doctor, but also detecting traitors that have infiltrated the G.H.E.I.S.T. and making them disappear, which is by far the part of the job she likes best.


No mission found for this character.

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
05-06-2023 Power 5 => 7
05-06-2023 Ability No Ability => -5 Opp Attack, Min 3
05-06-2023 Damage (2*) 4 => 6
05-06-2023 Ability (2*) No Ability => Ability at Level 4
05-06-2023 Power (3*) 2 => 5
05-06-2023 Ability (3*) No Ability => Ability at Level 4
05-06-2023 Damage (1*) 2 => 4
05-06-2023 Ability (1*) No Ability => Ability at Level 4
27-02-2006 Released