Kolos X Rare

iClintz Rarity:


In the depths of Rhynn, Karkass discovered strange eggs, impressively large, hidden among the tangled roots of ancient trees. She immediately sensed they belonged to a mysterious and powerful species, halfway between Draken lizards and rare dragons. Determined to keep them for herself, she took them to her garden, nestled in the heart of an isolated clearing. But destiny struck mercilessly, and gradually, she descended into the depths of black sorcery, abandoning everything, including the mysterious eggs, most of which remained inert. Karkass, a lover of upheaval, decided to use her magic to toss everything into another dimension, curious to see the result. One of the eggs landed in the dimension of Clint City, on the construction site of a supermarket in the East district, and everyone knows the rest. But the other egg took 16 more years, as if it was waiting for Karkass to arrive in the same dimension to be reactivated. It ended up plunged into the filthy sewers of the city, originating from the GHEIST factory and passing under the Red One Motel, whose waters were charged with Xantiax. Karkass rejoiced at this event she had almost forgotten. It was like discovering a rare and unexpected card in her deck, a find that promised to ignite the destiny of her "urban" part.


Rush: Get the shiny KOLOS X ! Sell 3 doubles of Kolos X to Kate 0 No
Dracorex saurialis Remove 1 Life points from your opponents with Kolos X 10 Yes
Get Prisma KOLOS X Sell 2 doubles of Kolos X to Kate 1 No
Dangerous Swap ! (click to see) Seel 1 copies of Kolos X Prismatic Edition to Kate 0 No
Enraged Fossil Win 1 rounds with Kolos X 10 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
30-04-2024 Released