Acinonite Rare

iClintz Rarity:


Meet the "Meteor of Pile Tower", the fastest warrior Los Santos has ever seen! Clint City already fears him, and the Oculus is trying to have him disqualified from the W.A.R. so he doesn't dethrone their champion! The charges are as follows: "He's from outer space", "He's way too strong" and "The spirits of the dead voted him wrestler of the year!". Magistrado, what is your sentence? "The accused is found... guilty! And his punishment will be immediate!" declares Magistrado. "Come here, pussycat, and face the hammer of my justice!!!!" Acinonite, or H48 compound, has since gone on to become a champion and a real mascot for the Huracan clan.


Cheetah vs Magistrado Win 4 fight(s) with Acinonite 10 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
30-03-2024 New Semi-Evo Level 2
30-03-2024 Level 2 => 3
30-03-2024 Power 6 => 8
30-03-2024 Damage 3 => 4
30-03-2024 Ability Unison : Stop Opp. Ability => Unison: Killshot: +3 Life
29-03-2024 Level 1 => 2
29-03-2024 Damage 1 => 3
29-03-2024 Ability Unison : -4 Opp. Life Min 4 => Unison : Stop Opp. Ability
29-03-2024 Released