Almastine Rare

iClintz Rarity:


Years after its construction, the Ice Palace (Tiwi's favorite ice rink) has seen thousands of yetis, each heavier than the last pass through its doors... But a meteor that slices through the ice? Now that's a first! When Tiwi saw it, he thought it was another ice cube he could turn into a robot. But the meteor managed to hatch on its own, despite the intense cold! Almastine, or F47 compound, has become a champion, a real mascot for the Frozn clan. "Hahaha, go for it my friend! Tiwi now shouts, "Activating Yeti Dash mode... for absoluuuuute speed!!!!"


Lone yeti finds Frozn friends Win 5 fight(s) with Almastine 0 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
20-05-2024 Damage 4 => 5
20-05-2024 Ability (2*) Unison : -3 Opp Damage, Min 1 => Unison : -3 Opp Damage, Min 0
04-02-2024 New Semi-Evo Level 2
04-02-2024 Level 2 => 3
04-02-2024 Damage 3 => 4
04-02-2024 Ability Unison : -3 Opp Damage, Min 1 => Unison : Power Exchange
03-02-2024 New Semi-Evo Level 1
03-02-2024 Level 1 => 2
03-02-2024 Damage 2 => 3
03-02-2024 Ability Unison : Power +4 => Unison : -3 Opp Damage, Min 1
02-02-2024 Released