Sheraf Rare

iClintz Rarity:


#Kate wanted to make her a #Dominion, like her brother Torrahn #Khrull. But that was without considering the impulsiveness of the young orc: It takes guts to survive Rhynn's apocalypse, and those same guts enabled Sheraf to defy #Death Adder II. She has since sought refuge with the #Komboka family, who have welcomed her with open arms. Sheraf has even earned the respect of the clan's hotheads; it must be said that the ex-Dominion is not afraid to stick her neck out and grapple with the archipelago's natural elements. With her help, the Komboka can now put a crazy project into action: building a bridge across the Waterwall to get to Clint City without having to use the navigational skills of the 4 sisters.


Sheraf, give me ca$h ! Sell 2 prismatic doubles of Sheraf to Kate 0 No
A bridge over the Waterwall Gain 8 pillz with Sheraf 10 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
04-08-2023 Released