Grand Panda Rare

iClintz Rarity:


Noctezuma, the former leader, has vanished, and El Divino is no longer in the conversations: Quetzal has asserted himself as the undisputed leader of the Huracan, without any doubt. "Who could then rise to the challenge of dethroning him? Certainly not Pandagran, that scrawny pretender defender of animals, haha... He can't even protect his own behind, right?... and it's unlikely we'll see him again anytime soon..." Suddenly, a strange noise is heard... "A growl, isn't it?! It's a giant panda! It's him!!!" Sporting a championship belt, he seems to possess the power of all wrestlers combined! "We are far from safe... he could very well annihilate us!"


3 GRAND PANDA Sell 3 doubles of Grand Panda to Kate 3 No
Quit or Double ! Sell 3 doubles of Grand Panda to Kate 5 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
09-08-2023 Released