Bertung Common

iClintz Rarity:


For the sake of sobriety, the organizors of the rally focusing on “the end of abundance” have decided to rent out a “low cost” room at the Red One Motel to their distingued guest…. After a pretty rough night, it is a high on Xantiax Cina #Bertung who is about to leave Room 13 to speak at this already highly scrutinized event!


[XP] Remove lifes Remove 11 Life points from your opponents with Bertung 15 No
[XP] Remove lifes Remove 15 Life points from your opponents with Bertung 5 No
[XP] Remove lifes Remove 12 Life points from your opponents with Bertung 5 No
Swap 2 PRISMA Bertung Sell 2 prismatic doubles of Bertung to Kate 8 No
How dare you? Remove 40 Life points from your opponents with Bertung 10 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
04-10-2022 Biography For the sake of sobriety, the organizors of the rally focusing on “the end of abundance” have decided to rent out a “low cost” room at the Red One Motel to their distingued guest…. After a pretty rough night, it is a high on Xantiax Cina #Tunberg who is about to leave Room 13 to speak at this already highly scrutinized event! => For the sake of sobriety, the organizors of the rally focusing on “the end of abundance” have decided to rent out a “low cost” room at the Red One Motel to their distingued guest…. After a pretty rough night, it is a high on Xantiax Cina #Bertung who is about to leave Room 13 to speak at this already highly scrutinized event!
24-09-2022 Biography With her brain completely fried by a fight she didn’t quite understand, except that "it wasn't right", #Bertung is throwing spoiled brat tantrums all over town in an attempt to raise collective consciousness... Not having much awareness of what she's doing or any thought about what all the changes she's asking people to make would actually entail, she's gradually changed her ways since taking up permanent residence at the Red One Motel. And now she's applying the techniques of her new buddy, #Boyle, it's clear that we don't quite get everything she's demanding, but we do hear her making those demands from further away than before! => For the sake of sobriety, the organizors of the rally focusing on “the end of abundance” have decided to rent out a “low cost” room at the Red One Motel to their distingued guest…. After a pretty rough night, it is a high on Xantiax Cina #Tunberg who is about to leave Room 13 to speak at this already highly scrutinized event!
16-09-2022 Released