Emel Common

iClintz Rarity:


A real hothead, it was after diving into an underfilled Junkz pool that #Emel woke up after a month in intensive care, almost completely paralyzed. The Rescue prognosis: although recovery is possible, it is likely there will be lifelong consequences, limiting the young woman's motor skills. Unthinkable! So, her parents turned to the Hive for more accessible cybernetics with no guarantee of optimal functioning...


Swap 7 EMEL Sell 7 doubles of Emel to Kate 7 No
Komboka hothead Gain 60 Life Points with Emel 10 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
24-06-2024 Power (3*) 6 => 8
24-06-2024 Damage (3*) 3 => 2
24-06-2024 Ability (3*) Ability at Level 4 => Equalizer: +1 Life
24-06-2024 Damage (1*) 3 => 2
24-06-2024 Ability (1*) Ability at Level 4 => Ability at Level 3
24-06-2024 Damage (2*) 3 => 2
24-06-2024 Ability (2*) Ability at Level 4 => Ability at Level 3
22-07-2022 Released