Hashi Rare

iClintz Rarity:


To combat the proliferation of wild boars, the Nightmare clan have come up with some pretty ""repellent"" totems that they've placed all over the forests. These totems have got the Activist Alliance - that unites the UluWatu, Komboka, Roots, Frozn and Jungo clans - up in arms. So, one evening, the young and very wayward #Hashi decided to go and pull one of them down, but with her very first punch, found herself paralyzed by a dazzling light...


Inflict damages Inflict 37 Damages with Hashi 0 No
Winning rounds for XP Win 6 rounds with Hashi 5 No
2 Hashi => 7B clintz !!! Sell 2 doubles of Hashi to Kate 7 No
Totem animal Win 15 rounds with Hashi 10 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
01-07-2024 Damage (4*) 5 => 6
18-02-2022 Released