Bukerzerg Rare

iClintz Rarity:


In no time at all, Noah Bukerzerg's social networks have taken over the Internet and transformed social interaction in Clint City for ever more. The whole town is on the PROFILE group's social media apps and sites that feature #Stella's most impressive performances, #Jessie's beauty tutorials, #Lorenzald's most recent fights as well as #Katja's alleged sex tape. Everyone uses them to show off their private lives, criticize those of others, and troll to their hearts' content. Noah knows all there is to know about your lives and desires that you so willingly dish up to him in all the exabytes of videos and messages posted every day. So, what a strange notion to think that this king of the benign digital world, THE self-made, modern man, should be manipulating data to rig elections, fuel sectarianism and even incite people to ingest the latest generation of #Morphun's Pillz. Well, you just know how people like to talk... written by player:1562710


[XP] Oculus special! Win 6 rounds with Bukerzerg 30 No
[Merry Christmas from the Polit, 1/6] Sell 1 doubles of Bukerzerg to Kate 0 No
STOCK OPTIONS: PROFILE Sell 2 doubles of Bukerzerg to Kate 5 No
BM: 1 BUKERZERG => 1 Dark Copper Sell 1 doubles of Bukerzerg to Kate 6 No
1 Bukerzerg => 1 Host 1686 Sell 1 doubles of Bukerzerg to Kate 0 No
10 Bukerzerg => 25 random Mythic Sell 10 doubles of Bukerzerg to Kate 0 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
16-12-2024 Ability (2*) [clan:46][clan:26][clan:42][clan:4][clan:33] Power +3 => [clan:46][clan:26][clan:42][clan:4][clan:33] Power +4
16-12-2024 Ability (1*) [clan:46][clan:26][clan:42][clan:4][clan:33] Power +2 => [clan:46][clan:26][clan:42][clan:4][clan:33] Power +4
14-06-2021 Ability (2*) [clan:46][clan:26][clan:42][clan:4][clan:33] Power +1 => [clan:46][clan:26][clan:42][clan:4][clan:33] Power +3
14-06-2021 Power (2*) 6 => 4
14-06-2021 Ability (1*) [clan:46][clan:26][clan:42][clan:4][clan:33] Power +1 => [clan:46][clan:26][clan:42][clan:4][clan:33] Power +2
14-06-2021 Power (1*) 5 => 4
14-06-2021 Ability [clan:46][clan:26][clan:42][clan:4][clan:33] Power +2 => [clan:46][clan:26][clan:42][clan:4][clan:33] Power +4
14-06-2021 Power 6 => 4
02-06-2021 Released