Celsius Common

iClintz Rarity:


Aware of what she once was and what she's become after her accident in the Deadly Combats on the faraway peninsula of Hoddaiko, Hanbi didn't have any other choice but to exile herself and join ranks with the #Frozn clan, who’ve helped her in her reconstruction. Despite a few initial misgivings, she soon realized that she was at home among them and no one had any issues with her joining the clan. So that's why she's thrown herself body and soul into the fight to save the clan's frozen lands and their very singular lifestyle.


[XP] Inflict damages Inflict 45 Damages with Celsius 15 No
[XP] Winter special! Win 7 rounds with Celsius 10 No
[XP] Winter special! Win 5 rounds with Celsius 10 No
Deadly Combatant Inflict 200 Damages with Celsius 0 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
19-12-2022 EFC +2 Bonus Removed
04-07-2022 EFC +2 Bonus Added
02-08-2021 Ability (1*) Ability at level 4 => Ability at level 2
02-08-2021 Ability (3*) Ability at level 4 => Symmetry: Damage +2
02-08-2021 Power (3*) 6 => 8
02-08-2021 Ability (2*) Ability at level 4 => Symmetry: Damage +2
02-08-2021 Damage (2*) 3 => 2
02-08-2021 Power (2*) 4 => 8
28-05-2021 Released