Merrie Rare

iClintz Rarity:


The big boss gave very precise instructions on how to rebuild the Zoo, and Merrie is part of the "Structure" team... It has to be said that carrying, lifting and hefting heavy loads is nothing new to Merrie. But it sure is hard graft...and when he compares his work to that of the accountants in the neighboring offices, sat on their chairs in front of computers, in the cool, it literally makes his blood boil... 120°F on the roof, a pneumatic nailer in hand and a sandwich lovingly prepared for him by his wife stolen by God knows who... Given all that, it's hardly surprising he should turn from hard worker to savage fighter!


10 Millions ca$h ! Sell 16 doubles of Merrie to Kate 1 No
5/5: Advent SOLD OUT Purchase 55 Merrie on the Market 2 No
BM: 39 Merrie => 100 random COMMON Sell 39 doubles of Merrie to Kate 0 No
BLACK MARKET - 10 Merrie -> 10M Clintz Sell 10 doubles of Merrie to Kate 0 No
Rebuilding the Zoo Inflict 250 Damages with Merrie 0 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
27-05-2024 Power (3*) 3 => 9
07-08-2020 Released