Aaylah Uncommon

iClintz Rarity:


#Aaylah, THE cute little yeti, is going out with our darling #Tiwi Ld. They met on “AdoptAYeti.com” and to make a good impression on their first date, Tiwi made Aaylah an ice robot. And she hasn’t left his side since… This gift is her good luck charm that reminds her just how much she loves the little ball of blue fluff that gave it to her. But make no mistake, just like #Tiwi Ld, she uses her cute side to make you drop your guard before laying into you with a massive block of ice.


No mission found for this character.

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
14-02-2022 Ability (3*) Ability at level 4 => Degrowth: +1 Life
14-02-2022 Damage (3*) 3 => 2
14-02-2022 Power (3*) 7 => 8
14-02-2022 Ability (2*) Ability at level 4 => Ability at level 3
14-02-2022 Damage (2*) 3 => 2
14-02-2022 Ability (1*) Ability at level 4 => Ability at level 3
14-02-2022 EFC +2 Bonus Removed
12-07-2021 EFC +2 Bonus Added
29-11-2019 Released