Golrock Uncommon

iClintz Rarity:


Golrock is a golem. A race created by the kingdom’s magicians, who have the means to infuse life into any inanimate object. A golem serves its creator, and generally assumes the role of laboratory caretaker or front-line fighter due to its loyalty and superhuman strength. Legend has it that a golem will totally lose its mind if its creator dies… but there’s no real evidence to confirm this… Golrock is now available in two versions: stone and rock. Figurine n°15 from the Dominion range. Made by Zlatar Toys.


Tiny Golem Inflict 400 Damages with Golrock 20 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
26-03-2023 EFC +2 Bonus Added
26-03-2023 EFC +2 Bonus Removed
11-04-2022 EFC +2 Bonus Added
18-05-2020 Ability (4*) Ability at level 5 => Degrowth: -1 Opp Power, Min 4
18-05-2020 Damage (4*) 5 => 6
18-05-2020 Power (4*) 4 => 6
18-05-2020 Ability (3*) Ability at level 5 => Ability at level 4
06-07-2018 Released