Hydraereva Rare

iClintz Rarity:


In the future, the descendants of the Ulu Watu very quickly joined the resistance against #Dregn after the poisoning and then complete drying-up of the oceans by the Vortex's crystallization. Hydraereva, the only bioroid able to evolve in the marine environment thanks to a special coating, had always dreamed of exploring these great bodies of water, which is why #Maana Cercei gave her the job of protecting the coastline. But what are those people over there up to? Surfing? Well, I’ll have to give that a go!!


[XP] Summer special! Win 13 rounds with Hydraereva 5 No
[XP] Summer special! Win 18 rounds with Hydraereva 5 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
12-05-2017 Released