John Doom Rare

iClintz Rarity:


John Doom was no angel but dying in a hideous way, murdered by his old friends from the underworld, earned him a one-way ticket to hell. However, a man's desire for vengeance can sometimes push him to break free from the most terrible of chains and even escape purgatory. So, with his past erased from his memory, all that remains in John Doom’s mind is the faces of his killers, and he's determined to get even by becoming the bogeyman of Clint City’s villains and murderers... He’s the collector of lost souls and has brought the fire of hell along with him.


No mission found for this character.

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
20-05-2024 Power 9 => 8
20-05-2024 Ability Team: Reprisal: Stop Opp. Bonus => Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2
20-05-2024 Power (4*) 9 => 7
20-05-2024 Damage (4*) 6 => 7
20-05-2024 Ability (4*) Team: Reprisal: Stop Opp. Bonus => Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2
20-05-2024 Power (2*) 8 => 6
20-05-2024 Damage (2*) 4 => 3
20-05-2024 Ability (2*) Team: Reprisal: Stop Opp. Bonus => Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2
20-05-2024 Power (3*) 9 => 6
20-05-2024 Ability (3*) Team: Reprisal: Stop Opp. Bonus => Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2
20-05-2024 Power (1*) 8 => 6
20-05-2024 Ability (1*) Team: Reprisal: Stop Opp. Bonus => Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2
13-05-2024 Power (4*) 6 => 9
13-05-2024 Damage (4*) 7 => 6
13-05-2024 Ability (4*) Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2 => Team: Reprisal: Stop Opp. Bonus
13-05-2024 Power (2*) 6 => 8
13-05-2024 Damage (2*) 3 => 4
13-05-2024 Ability (2*) Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2 => Team: Reprisal: Stop Opp. Bonus
13-05-2024 Power (3*) 6 => 9
13-05-2024 Ability (3*) Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2 => Team: Reprisal: Stop Opp. Bonus
13-05-2024 Power (1*) 6 => 8
13-05-2024 Ability (1*) Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2 => Team: Reprisal: Stop Opp. Bonus
13-05-2024 Power 7 => 9
13-05-2024 Ability Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2 => Team: Reprisal: Stop Opp. Bonus
05-04-2023 Damage (4*) 6 => 7
05-04-2023 Damage (3*) 4 => 5
05-04-2023 Damage 6 => 8
17-10-2022 Ability (4*) Ability at Level 5 => Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2
17-10-2022 Damage (4*) 2 => 6
17-10-2022 Ability (3*) Ability at Level 5 => Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2
17-10-2022 Damage (3*) 2 => 4
17-10-2022 Power (3*) 5 => 6
17-10-2022 Ability (2*) Ability at Level 5 => Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2
17-10-2022 Damage (2*) 2 => 3
17-10-2022 Power (2*) 4 => 6
17-10-2022 Ability (1*) Ability at Level 5 => Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2
17-10-2022 Damage (1*) 1 => 2
17-10-2022 Power (1*) 4 => 6
17-10-2022 Ability Team: Reprisal: -2 Pow. & Dmg, Min 3 => Team: Reprisal: -2 Opp Power, Min 2
17-10-2022 Damage 3 => 6
21-06-2020 Ability Team: Copy: Opp. Damage => Team: Reprisal: -2 Pow. & Dmg, Min 3
21-06-2020 Damage 1 => 3
21-06-2020 Power 9 => 7
15-06-2020 Ability Team: Reprisal: -2 Pow. & Dmg, Min 3 => Team: Copy: Opp. Damage
15-06-2020 Damage 3 => 1
15-06-2020 Power 7 => 9
16-06-2016 Released