Mandy Uncommon

iClintz Rarity:


After several years of working in the CBI’s paranormal division alongside Dr Scoler, Mandy’s department was closed down by the directors after a strange murder occurred involving some well-known Government figures. However, it was going to take more than that to quell the fervor of this ex-agent on the search for the truth. Mandy decided to join the Sentinel clan so she could carry on investigating the unexplained phenomena that were now standard fare in Clint City. And in fact it was in the middle of one of these new cases that this single-minded detective stumbled across a corpse bearing a strong resemblance to the one that had caused her department to be closed down. Having persuaded her old partner, Dr Scoler, to join forces with her, they are now determined to get to the bottom of the Government's schemes!


Sentinel files Inflict 40 Damages with Mandy in elo mode 5 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
21-06-2021 Ability (2*) Ability at level 3 => Revenge: Power And Damage +2
21-06-2021 Power (2*) 5 => 7
21-06-2021 Ability (1*) Ability at level 3 => Ability at level 2
01-04-2016 Released