Choko Uncommon

iClintz Rarity:


Scorning sexist networks, establishing a rock solid website to promote the Pussycats, getting hold of crooked Uppers members' addresses on #Mercury's behalf, and above all, sharing her personal details online... Choko can do just about anything when it comes to internet mediation. The gifted and fervent young admirer of cute and sophisticated equipment has even joined the circle of the Junkz's many allies who readily get her involved when it comes to promoting one of #Carrie's or #D4 Funk's concerts. Considering her widespread presence and influence on the internet, making jokes about her kawaii style would be highly unwise and likely get you banned by hundreds of thousands of users!


Chokolate! Inflict 100 Damages with Choko in elo mode 10 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
19-02-2016 Released