Antoinette Rare

iClintz Rarity:


With her fairytale hair, Antoinette is the star of the new show “Wonders & Monsters” now on at the Freaks circus. Hovering ten meters above the ground, the graceful Antoinette will slowly hatch out of a hairy cocoon like a brilliant butterfly, flooding the arena with light as she spreads her wings, all to the classical sound of The Sugar Plum Fairy. This will be followed by a delightful aerial ballet that will mesmerize with its flawless control of a shock of glowing red hair and breathtaking figures bearing the resemblance of the seasons taking their flight. Finally, the performance's elegance will gently fizzle out with #Quasichoco's appearance and sweep you back to the Freaks' harsh reality...


Character of the day Win 4 round(s) with Antoinette 1 No
Poison opponents Do 5 Poison Damage with Antoinette 0 No
Poison opponents for Cards Do 6 Poison Damage with Antoinette 10 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
27-05-2024 Power (1*) 1 => 8
27-05-2024 Ability (1*) Ability at Level 2 => -1 Opp Pillz. Min 3
19-02-2016 Released