Rex Sweig Cr Collector

iClintz Rarity:


Having been locked up for no apparent reason by the Government for more than twenty years in the most isolated cell of Clint City’s jail, Sweig was finally tossed on an plane with the aim of sending him far, far away. Although notorious among the prisoners, his subdued, intellectual looks didn’t give him a particularly menacing air. However, twenty years of physical and mental isolation, abruptly interrupted by crash landing in a lost world, has created one terrifying individual... Intelligent, savage, manipulative and cruel, Sweig had just what it took to rule over the Clint City criminals and prehistoric creatures with an iron fist. Having become the Rex of the Raptors, for good or for bad his dangerous state of mind is both exacerbated and controlled by his similarly merciless wife. We really don’t know what the chief of the Raptors aims to achieve in Clint City but it will no doubt end in blood and tears.


Card of the day Win 5 fights by finishing with a knock-out from Rex Sweig 15 No
Card of the day Win 5 fights by finishing with a knock-out from Rex Sweig 15 No
BM: 50 Rex Sweig => 150 random rares Sell 50 doubles of Rex Sweig to Kate 0 No
Forsaken Inflict 250 Damages with Rex Sweig 15 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
08-04-2024 Rarity r => cr
15-10-2020 Ability (4*) Revenge: Stop Ability => Revenge: Stop Opp. Ability
15-10-2020 Ability (3*) Revenge: Stop Ability => Revenge: Stop Opp. Ability
15-10-2020 Ability Revenge: Stop Ability => Revenge: Stop Opp. Ability
24-07-2015 Released