Bishop Common

iClintz Rarity:


Although the effects of Xantiax when dispersed in the air are well-known, it’s astonishing to see its effects when presented in a more concentrated dose. Bearing testimony to this is Bishop, the Fire Angels’ toughest member. On his way to meet #Sylvia ld and #Boyle on the fateful night of the Red Motel explosion, he was struck in the face by a cylinder of Xantiax. Amazingly, in this concentrated form the gas had the opposite effect on him, transforming the ferocious biker into the world’s most laid-back guy. Having now tuned his motorbike so it's greener than green, Bishop has created an ecological utopia on wheels and has even started to play the banjo!


70 damages with Bishop => 75 000 BP ! Inflict 70 Damages with Bishop 0 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
16-11-2020 Ability (3*) Ability at level 4 => Support: -1 Opp Power, Min 2
16-11-2020 Ability (2*) Ability at level 4 => Ability at level 3
16-11-2020 Ability (1*) Ability at level 4 => Ability at level 3
17-10-2014 Released