Eggman Rare

iClintz Rarity:


When the meteorite fell on the zoo, all the humans abandoned their posts and for a while, it has to be said, chaos reigned. Fortunately, Eggman the walrus was there to take over the role of zookeeper. Bit by bit, he's established himself as the Law West of the Clint River, although he still dreams of becoming a Sentinel, just like his idol, #Copper cr.


Artefact Hunt 2/7 Sell 20 doubles of Eggman to Kate 3 No
Heal for clintz Gain 18 Heal Life Points with Eggman 5 No
Heal for clintz Gain 21 Heal Life Points with Eggman 5 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
25-02-2011 Released