Haze Uncommon

iClintz Rarity:


To start off with, Haze was a simple antivirus developed by #Nobrocybix to protect the Junkz’ machines from #Z3r0 D34d attacks. But with time and as a result of the odd update here and there, Haze has become a hybrid creature - a sentry capable of materializing both in cyberspace and the real world.


No mission found for this character.

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
03-10-2023 Ability (4*) Unison : -3 Opp Power, Min 5 => -3 Opp Power, Min 5
03-10-2023 Ability Unison : -3 Opp Power, Min 5 => -3 Opp Power, Min 5
03-10-2023 Ability -3 Opp Power, Min 5 => Unison : -3 Opp Power, Min 5
03-10-2023 Ability (4*) -3 Opp Power, Min 5 => Unison : -3 Opp Power, Min 5
12-03-2010 Released