Mendossa Uncommon

iClintz Rarity:


Mendossa grew up in an environment very different from that of his brother. However, de-spite their separate backgrounds, they share a common passion: spectacular combat. Deep in the heart of dark alleyways and nocturnal circles, Mendossa would hang around with the wrong crowd and deal with trafficking of all kinds. His striking aura and charisma earned him a reputation as a fearsome henchman. While working for the Montana, Mendossa secretly harbors a desire to find his brother and mother, the latter having apparently ignored his existence. His purpose: reunite his family and secure a position as a Boss in this merciless world.


Brother from another... other father? Win 4 fight(s) with Mendossa 10 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
10-05-2024 Released