Rush Common

iClintz Rarity:


She may lack the extraordinary powers of her elder, who wields the winds to fill the sails, but she always finds her rightful place in the rum cellar, under Bloodh's protection. During the mutinies, she shows unshakeable courage and ingenuity, even when tensions are running high! Her last feat is still etched in everyone's memory: armed with an unknown technology, that was neither Vortex nor Hive, she used freshly caught swordfish propelling them straight at enemy ships, smashing their cannons and tearing their sails! Commander Yaccanemba himself embraced her, so unbelievable was the spectacle!


Swordfishsmanship Gain 9 pillz with Rush 10 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
26-04-2024 Released