Pauline Uncommon

iClintz Rarity:


Both crafty and playful, #Pauline is a monkey unlike any other. Originally from the volcanic island of the #Komboka, she'd spent most of her time in a forest that she knew like the back of her hand, but on her arrival in the big city that is CIint City, she didn't have any trouble settling in. Able to climb all the surrounding buildings, she uses her opponents' blind spots to hurl anything at them she has to hand. And hitting home every time, she's like the banana skin on the sidewalk that will make you slip and land in a heap on the floor.


Return to monke Gain 20 Life Points with Pauline 0 No

Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
06-05-2024 Power (3*) 7 => 8
06-05-2024 Ability (3*) Ability at Level 4 => Reprisal: Copy Opp. Bonus
06-05-2024 Ability (2*) Ability at Level 4 => Ability at Level 3
06-05-2024 Ability (1*) Ability at Level 4 => Ability at Level 3
19-02-2021 Released