Geoffrey Rare

iClintz Rarity:


As a result of never seeing him, everyone had kind of forgotten Geoffrey. It had to be said that living with his colleague was proving difficult. When Earl was not tripping over Geoffrey’s electrical cables, it was Geoffrey’s equipment getting all sticky from the sugar Earl seemed to leave in his path. With one of them being a discreet cleaning fanatic and the other a very noisy tidier upper, it’s hardly surprising they needed to create two separate workshops in the Sentinel HQ. Fortunately the two gunsmiths complement one another perfectly: Earl excels in weaponry but no one can match Geoffrey when it comes to defensive equipment and electrical tweaking!


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Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
11-03-2024 Ability (3*) Ability at Level 4 => Growth: -1 Opp Damage, Min 1
11-03-2024 Ability (1*) Ability at Level 4 => Ability at Level 3
11-03-2024 Ability (2*) Ability at Level 4 => Ability at Level 3
15-05-2015 Released