Rad Rare

iClintz Rarity:


School, homework and hairy, grunting professors were not really Rad’s thing, when all he wanted to do was to surf the fresh powder snow at the break of dawn. As a result, during a Frozn tactical exam, the experimental cryoplasma bombs ended up exploding in his face. Ever since then, Rad has become Tiwi LD’s favorite subject for study as his body is starting to change texture. So is he the ultimate Frozn weapon or jut a young agitator who learnt his lesson in a very cruel way? Who can say what personality now lurks behind his mask of ice!


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Card History From 2020 onwards

DateUpdate TypeDescription
13-03-2023 EFC +2 Bonus Removed
19-12-2022 EFC +2 Bonus Added
14-06-2013 Released